
The configuration files for my shell (zsh), terminal (alacritty), IDE (neovim), etc.

Primary LanguageLua

Development Workflow Setup

Note that any plugins should be installed from ~/.config NOT ~/.MachFiles/... i.e never commit any plugins, history, or cache

Getting Started

Clone dotfiles

cd $HOME && git clone https://github.com/raggar/MachFiles.git

Run setup script,

chmod +x MachFiles/scripts/.config/scripts/setup.sh

Restart your computer

Update ZSH

Perform which zsh to determine which binary to add.

Should be user/local/bin/zsh for intel and opt/homebrew/bin/zsh for M1 macs.

sudo vim /etc/shells # lists shells which you can switch too
# add shell
`chsh -s shell` 

Restart terminal, open a new shell and run which zsh, verify result is correct


When getting the error about alacritty not being allowed. Do the following

sudo spctl --master-disable

Open alacritty, then run

sudo spctl --master-enable


Enter the following command to start a tmux session

tmux source ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf

Install plugins by pressing prefix + I inside a tmux window.


image image

Install all necessary plugins (you will see treesitter installing a bunch of parsers the first time neovim is loaded).

cd ~/.config/nvim && nvim

Setup LSP servers https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/master/doc/server_configurations.md

Disable unneeded options for specific LSP server (ex, update_in_insert, virtual_text) LSP's can ignore specific directories (ex, lsp.setup -> settings -> gopls -> directoryFilters)

Setup any formatters using null-ls or create a autocommand (BufWrite on save) to use a custom binary not supported by null-ls

Karabiner Elements

Launch Karabiner elements and grant full permissions.


Ensure start at login is checked and blacklist all required applications

Make sure to set shortcut to "Command Tab" to override default MacOS Switcher

Change keybinds as you wish i.e prev tab --> command + shift


  1. Disable Spotlight, uncheck System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Show Spotlight Search.

  2. Go to settings -> advanced -> import settings stored in MachFiles/raycast

  3. Enable vim keybindings


  1. Cleanup Finder (sidebar, remove tags etc.).

  2. Cleanup dock and minimize

  3. Cleanup menubar (add bluetooth icon and remove sound).

  4. Setup Google Chrome

    • Setup bookmarks
    • Install Momentum, 1Password etc.
    • Install Vimium
      • import vimium css and blocked websites (if on personal)
  5. MacOS Settings

    • Uncheck shake mouse pointer to locate go into Accessibility -> Display.
    • Hide dock
    • Increase Key Repeat (makes vim feel smooth) --> System Preferences -> Keyboard, maximize Key Repeat, and minimize Delay until repeat.
    • Hide desktop items
  6. Change Spotify to not open on startup.

  7. Select blurred background wallpaper.

  8. Change Screenshots to copy to clipboard (cmd + shift + 5)

  9. Add the following to your .gitconfig to have better git diffs

    pager = delta

    diffFilter = delta --color-only

    navigate = true    # use n and N to move between diff sections

    # delta detects terminal colors automatically; set one of these to disable auto-detection
    # dark = true
    # light = true

    conflictstyle = diff3

    colorMoved = default

Random Errors

  1. Treesitter linting errors appearing in neovim help doc
:TSUpdate vimdoc

Window Management (Optional)

  1. Open several desktops
  2. Keyboard Settings -> Shortcuts -> Mission Control -> Enable shortcuts for switching spaces
  3. System Settings -> Accessibility -> Display -> Turn on "Reduce motion"
  4. System Settings -> Mission Control -> Turn off "Automatically rearrange spaces based on recent use", enable "Displays have seperate spaces", and enable "Switch to a Space with open windows for the application"

Tips for Work Machine

  • Hook into build systems (ex, bazel) to increase performance if using neovim as editor
  • Add any aliases needed for (ex, jumping into a directory, running linter, running tests etc.)
  • Setup .gitconfig as needed
  • Modify .ignore to ignore specific build files etc.