This code does further analysis & plotting on UHH2 Ntuples produced by
All scripts assume the following structure containing the UHH2 ntuples:
- Directory for AK4 ntuples
- ... other data & MC nominal ntuples ...
- ... other systematics dirs
- Directory for AK8 ntuples
- ... similar structure as for AK4 dir
Throughout the scripts, the ntuple directories might be referred to as "workdirs"
Scripts are written for python 3, but may work on python2 by accident.
Most of this code relies on ROOT
(especially PyROOT
& TUnfold
). Note that from version 6.22, changes to PyROOT were made that are incompatible with the code here.
See for details (this code uses ROOT.Double
, and there may be other changes I am unaware of).
I used ROOT 6.20.2, which uses TUnfold 17.6 - analysis unverified using newer TUnfold versions!
It also requires several python packages: numpy
, scipy
, pandas
- these can generally be found in any vaguely recent CMSSW setup (>= 10_2_X).
Some of it also relies on less common packages, including the uproot
(the older uproot3, not the more recent 4, but not via the uproot3
package), uncertainties
, jax
, and rootpy
If you need python 3 and/or ROOT, miniconda is my choice (especially on the NAF), since it requires no special permissions.
You can create a copy of my conda environment called qganalysis
conda env create -f conda_environment.yml
You can then activate with the usual conda activate qganalysis
, etc.
If you already have python3 & ROOT and just want the other packages, you can instead use the requirements.txt
to install these via pip install -r requirements.txt
However, YODA cannot be installed easily via conda, and there are API changes that clash with python3 (1.7.7 has different API to 1.8.X, e.g. .bins
vs .bins()
, but the former doesn't compile under Python3.7).
TODO: update my usage of API
For the scripts that need YODA, I just do them within CMSSW 10_6_X (since they often do not need other packages outside of CMSSW), to convert them into a more portable format.
But if you really want to install it: to install YODA manually, into a directory PREFIX
(must be absolute filepath) of your choosing:
conda activate qganalysis
pip install -U Cython
wget --no-check-certificate
tar xzf YODA-1.7.7.tar.gz
cd YODA-1.7.7
cd pyext/yoda
cython ./core.pyx --cplus -I . -I ./include -I . -I ./include -o core.cpp
cython ./util.pyx --cplus -I . -I ./include -I . -I ./include -o util.cpp
cython ./rootcompat.pyx --cplus -I . -I ./include -I . -I ./include -o rootcompat.cpp
cd ../..
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
make -j4
make -j4 install
cp ${CONDA_PREFIX}/etc/conda/activate.d/
By copying to the activate.d
will be called whenever the conda environment is activated.
Most of the scripts are relatively standalone, operating only on the Ntuples directly.
Scripts with options will give full info about them by using the -h
or --help
Use uhh2.AnalysisModuelRunner.MC.MC_QCD.root
--target XX
to set a desired purity & stability fraction (e.g. 0.5)
Also options to rebin other files using the derived binning scheme.
Binning scheme saved as txt file. To use it, it requires copying manually into VAR_UNFOLD_DICT_TARGET0p5
. It also requires copying into the vectors in the Binning
namespace in QGAddModules.h
The ntuples already contain the binned response matrices and 1D flattened distributions. If you change the binning scheme, you must reprocess the ntuples first.
Unfolding is done by the
This relies on TUnfold, specifically v17.6 or newer. <ak4 or ak8 workdir> <options> <regions> --angles <angles>
are one or more of: --doDijetCentral
, --doDijetCentralGroomed
, --doDijetForward
, --doDijetForwardGroomed
, --doZPJ
, --doZPJGroomed
. To do all regions, you can instead use --doAllRegions
are one or more of: jet_LHA
, jet_width
, jet_thrust
, jet_puppiMultiplicity
, jet_pTD
. Each also has a *_charged
version (e.g. jet_LHA_charged
). To do all angles, you can instead specify all
There are a wide variety of options when unfolding, the most important being:
--MCinput 0/1
: 0 for unfolding data, 1 for unfolding MC--MCsplit 1
: 1 for unfolding split sample MC (20% being unfolded, 80% in the response matrix)--doExperimentalSysts 1
: for doing experimental systs, including shower & hadronization (i.e. Herwig++) syst--doScalesSysts 1
: for doing scale variation uncertainty--doPDFSysts 1
: for doing PDF uncertainty - warning SLOW as it unfolds 100 times
By default, the script will also produce lots of plots. This can be slow, so to disable it, use --noBinnedPlots
. Plots can instead be made using the script below.
The output from unfolding is organised as follows:
- There is a "top-level" dir,
. This is by default put within the workdir specified when running the script. If you use the--outputDir
option, it will instead be places within that directory. - This top-level directory then has separate directories for each region, and within that, separate directories for each angle
- The top-level directory is designed to reflect most of the options used when running.
- Within each (region,angle) directory, you will find:
which has a copy of all the options used when runningunfolding_slim.root
, which only has the main normalised distribution histsunfolding_result.pkl
, a python pickle file, which has many individual distributions, e.g. the response matrix & unfolded results for each PDF variation- Many plots
- Systematic variations will often have subdirectories with corresponding names
Doing the unfolding for all angles/regions/systematics will take a very long time. Instead, do it in parallel jobs on the BIRD cluster. Jobs are handled using grid-control. This assumes you are using a conda environment.
The scripts gc_submitUnfoldingJobs_ak4.conf
and gc_submitUnfoldingJobs_ak8.conf are the job submit files for AK4 and AK8 jobs, respectively. Each runs the commands in
You should update
to match your conda environment name, and any other dir locations.
Note that you cannot run grid-control with python3, so for doing batch unfolding plots, you'll need to conda deactivate
Use <unfolding dir>
<unfolding dir>
here is the top-level output directory from
(e.g. in the example above, <workdir>/unfolding_regularizeNone_DATA_subFakes_densityModeBinWidth_constraintNone_experimentalSystFromFile_scalSystFromFile_pdfSystFromFile_signalRegionOnly
Again, this uses the same region & angle options as the unfolding script. There are also various options about which set(s) of plots to produce:
: plots per generator pt bin--doBinnedPlotsGenLambda
: plots per generator lambda bin--doBinnedPlotsRecoPt
: plots per detector pt bin--doBigNormed1DPlots
: do plots with normalised plots, across all pt bins--doBigAbs1DPlots
: do plots with absolute plots, across all pt bins
Note that there is an optional --paper
argument for formatting for the final publication (i.e. removing "Preliminary").
Again, this uses the same region & angle options as the unfolding script.
You might also want the --noNullBins
options if the VV^-1 plots look bad (i.e. not unity).
Before we can plot the grand summary plots (e.g. mean vs pT), we first extract the summary stats (mean, RMS, etc), from the required inputs (unfolding results, and YODA files from RIVET), and save them as pandas dataframes, using the HDF5 output format.
To convert unfolding results: --ak4source <ak4 unfolding dir> --ak8source <ak8 unfolding dir> --h5output <output H5 filename>
To convert RIVET results:
This is more complicated, since there are many RIVET inputs corresponding to different generators. For each generator, we specify:
- the dijet YODA file (
) - the Z+Jet YODA file (
) - the label (
NB the label here must be one of those keys specified in SAMPLE_STYLE_DICTS
Note that we can also specify the unfolded results, since we can then calculate the delta metric. --ak4source <ak4 unfolding dir> --ak8source <ak8 unfolding dir> \
--h5output <output H5 filename> \
# for each generator, you need entries:
--yodaInputDijet <.../QCD.yoda> --yodaInputZPJ <.../ZPJ.yoda> --yodaLabel "MC GEN TUNE1"
with arguments:
--h5input <unfolding.h5>
: the HDF5 file made
--h5inputRivet <rivet.h5>
: the HDF5 file made
. Note that you should add an entry toSAMPLE_STYLE_DICTS
with the same label you used
to choose styling options.--outputDir
: directory to put plots
By default, the script will plot all inputs (data, nominal MCs, RIVET files). You can also specify which sets of inputs to plot:
: only data & RIVET files--onlyDataOldMC
: only plot data, MG+Pythia8, Herwig++
The script makes 2 types of summary plots: metric (e.g. mean) vs pt plots across all regions/angles; and the 5-column 5-point grand summary plots with choice bins shown.
: do metric vs pt plots--doSummaryBins
: do grand summary plots
Note that there are also an optional --paper
argument for formatting for the final publication (i.e. removing "Preliminary"), and an optional --supplementary
argument for supplementary plots.
Note that these have an optional --paper
argument for formatting for the final publication (i.e. removing "Preliminary").
Use <workdir>
, where <workdir>
is a directory containing the UHH2 ntuples. By default, it includes systematics combined into one band.
Plots produced in <workdir>/data_mc_jet_pt
, with arguments:
to do dijet region plots--zpj
to do Z+Jet region plots--gen
to use on genjet flavour (otherwise uses reco jet flavour)
This script can plot multiple UHH2 ntuples, as well as multiple RIVET files.
For each UHH2 ntuple, you must specify:
: the dir that has the ntuples - it will only use the filesuhh2.AnalysisModuleRunner.MC.MC_QCD.root
, anduhh2.AnalysisModuleRunner.MC.MC_HERWIG_QCD.root
: the label to be attached to those ntuples (e.g. "MG+PYTHIA8")
For each RIVET input, you must specify:
: dijet YODA file--rivetdjLabel
: label to go with the dijet file--rivetzpj
: Z+Jet YODA file--rivetzpjLabel
: label to go with the Z+Jet file
Use <unfolding_dir>
, where <unfolding_dir>
is the top-level directory from
(see description above).
You can specify which angles using the same options as for
(e.g. "jet_LHA jet_pTD_charged", or "all")
. Like
, you should give it the name of a top-level directory made by
You can specify which regions and angles to plot, using the same options as for
(e.g. --doDijetCentral
, "jet_LHA jet_pTD_charged", or "all")
For each RIVET input, you must specify:
- the dijet YODA file (
) - the Z+Jet YODA file (
) - the label (
Like for
, the label given to --yodaLabel
should match with an entry in SAMPLE_STYLE_DICTS