Hello techies! 🔥👋

Hi there! I'm V Raghav Anand, a passionate programmer from Chennai, India (Currently in Los Angeles, USA)
Click here to check my Portfolio website

  • ✌️ Pursuing Master of Science in Computer Science, in University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles
  • 🔭 Completed B.Tech in Computer Science at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
  • 🌱 Experienced in creating full-stack web applications using AngularJS, Node and Google Cloud backend. Basic understanding of the latest front end web-development library, React JS. Skilled knowledge in other basic web development languages such as HTML, PHP, JavaScript and MySQL
  • 🧠 Experienced in working with preprocessing of raw datasets, building unsupervised and supervised Machine Learning algorithms, and its deployment in the Flask framework.
  • 💻 Love to code in languages such as C++, C, Python and Java when it comes to competitive programming.
  • 👫 Created a game using python to create social-awareness about the corona-virus pandemic.
  • ⚡ Fun fact: Music lover, movie buff, cricket and football player!😉

Find me✉️

Python Python Python

Languages and Tools used🖥️

VS Code Javascript VS Code VS Code VS Code VS Code VS Code VS Code VS Code Javascript Python VS Code VS Code VS Code VS Code VS Code

Statistical analysis📈

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