
Science on a Stick, as the name suggests, it is an experimental setup based on Arduino, was developed to verify various laws of Physics such as Lenz's Law, Faraday's Law and Laws of Motion.

Primary LanguageC++


Science on a Stick, as the name suggests, it is an experimental setup based on Python and Arduino, was developed to verify various laws of Physics such as Lenz's Law, Faraday's Law and Laws of Motion.

We have provided schematics of circuits and code for this project.


To install Arduino IDE

Click here to download Arduino IDE.

To setup up Python Environment

To download Python IDE, click here.

Note:- t would be preferable to download the latest version Python2.7.

To set up environment variables

Windows 10 and Windows 8

  1. In Search, search for and then select: System (Control Panel)

  2. Click the Advanced system settings link.

  3. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.

  4. In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value (location of the folder where python installed) of the PATH environment variable. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.

  5. Open Command prompt window, and run following command:

    python --version
    pip --version

If pip is not installed in your laptop, refer this.

Install dependencies of python code

open Command prompt or terminal and run this command

pip install pyserial
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy

To Install Eagle

Download Eagle (PCB design software) from this link.

Open the given board layouts and fabricate them. The schematic folder has three schematics and their board layouts.

Images of Fabricated Board and coil




!! More than 1000 turns (36 gauge copper wire) of coil winding can destroy the circuit


Law's of MOtion

Set the experimental tube as shown in picture.

  1. open Arduino IDE and upload Laws_of_Motion code.

  2. For law's motion open the serial monitor and enter values asked by monitor.



Lenz's Law

Set the experimental setup as shown in picture.

  1. Open Arduino IDE and upload Lenz_s_Law_Arduino code.

  2. Open python code and change com port value(in Windows its com5, in Linux its /dev/ttyUSB0)

  3. Open Command prompt or terminal and change current working directory to directory of this python code using

    cd <complete-path>
  4. Run python code by the following command

    python "Lenz's_Law_Python.py"





This experimental setup is developed under the guidance of Prof. D.V. Gadre, Director CEDT, NSUT.