Date: October 5th, 2015

Group Members:

  1. Suhas Kumar Bharadwaj, UFID: 16120229
  2. Raghav Ravishankar, UFID: 19995874


 "escript numNodes { full | 3D | line | imp3D } { gossip | push-sum }"


1. 	Convergence of Gossip algorithm for all topologies.
2. 	Convergence of Push-Sum algorithm for all topologies.

Please refer to the attached PDF file for a thorough report that covers the working of this project in detail.

Largest Network Used: 1. For Gossip algorithm: a) Full network topology: 10000 nodes b) 3D network topology: 10000 nodes c) Imperfect 3D topology: 10000 nodes d) Line topology: 10000 nodes

2. For Push-Sum algorithm:
	a) Full network topology: 10000 nodes
	b) 3D network topology: 10000 nodes
	c) Imperfect 3D topology: 10000 nodes
	d) Line topology: 1000 nodes

Sample Outputs:

escript 1000 full gossip

Column1: Number of nodes
Column2: The toplogy that is executed
Column3: The algorithm that is to be run