
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Product Importer


This project helps in importing products from .csv file to PostgreSQL database and gives the option to search and filter these products in accordance with need.User can delete all the products at a single click of a button or individual deletion is also provided.

Installation Guide

This project uses redis-server, Celery, PostgreSQL as a database backend.

Use Python 3

Create virtual environment and install dependencies.

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
git clone https://github.com/raghav9-97/Importer.git
cd Importer
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Server

Follow the steps and commands in different terminals for starting the server.


Navigate to the virtualenv directory.

source env/bin/activate
celery -A Importer worker -l info

Navigate to the Product Importer directory.

cd Importer
python manage.py runserver