
Task to display the product details based on the requirement using MongoDB query


1.Find all the information about each products


2.Find the product price which are between 400 to 800

db.collection.find({ product_price: { $gte: 400, $lte: 800 }})

3.Find the product price which are not between 400 to 600

db.collection.find({ product_price: { "$not": { $gte: 400, $lte: 800 } }})

4.List the four product which are grater than 500 in price

db.collection.find({"product_price": {"$gte": 500}}).limit(4)

5.Find the product name and product material of each products

db.collection.find({},{ product_name: 1, product_material: 1})

6.Find the product with a row id of 10

db.collection.find({id: "10"})

7.Find only the product name and product material

db.collection.find({},{ product_name: 1, product_material: 1})

8.Find all products which contain the value of soft in product material

db.collection.find({product_material: { "$eq": "Soft" }})

9.Find products which contain product color indigo and product price 492.00

db.collection.find({ "$or": [{product_color: "indigo" },{product_price: 492.00 }]})

10.Delete the products which product price value are same

db.collection.aggregate([ { "$group": { "_id": { product_price: "$product_price" }, total: { $sum: 1 } } }, { $match: { total: { $gt: 1 } } } ]).map(val=> db.collection.deleteMany({"product_price": val._id.product_price}))