A twitter bot which auto reply tweets based on specific hashtags
Sample: https://twitter.com/theinfernobot
developer : https://twitter.com/erRaghavKhanna
This is a simple Twitter bot and will retweet, favorite/like and REPLY randomly on the basis of hashtags as a query that we will use.
- You must have Node.js installed on your system.
- A Twitter Account.
- Your bot will be using twit which is an npm module to manipulate tweets and streams, and to communicate with the Twitter API.
- A Heroku free account to deploy your bot.
- Download git from https://git-scm.com/downloads and install it on you computer.
Signup for a free account by filling a form on https://heroku.com .
After a successful signup, you will be redirected to dashboard.
Create a new app by clicking the New button at the top right.
Fill in your app name (it should be in lower case) and choose your relevant region.
Move to the directory where you have saved the bot source file using CLI.
Download Heroku CLI. Refer the document here on how:
Install it by using Teminal on Mac or Windows Powershell:
- Login through CLI:
$heroku login
Give the credentials. You will be logged in.
Choose your Deployment method on the dashboard, it could be Heroku Git, GitHub or Dropbox. But I highly recommend to go with Heroku Git.
Follow the cammands given under deployment methods to turn your directory into a git repository and to deploy on heroku.
Make sure the app is worker app not a web app. Procfile is necessary for that.
MIT License
CONTACT ME FOR HELP - https://twitter.com/erRaghavKhanna