
🕒 React Native app for managing tasks and courses (CZ3002)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Code for CZ3002 - Advanced Software Engineering

TimeWise will allow a user to login using their university credentials and then their timetable will be scraped from the university website and added to our database. They will then be given a 7 day list of lessons that they have enrolled in and will be able to add personal tasks to this list.


The published application can be found at this link

If you would like to run the code locally, these are the steps you need to take:

Note: Your machine must have Node 12 LTS or later installed. For more information, visit this site. For instructions on setting up Node and NPM, visit this link

  1. Install Expo onto your machine using npm install -g expo-cli
  2. Install the Expo mobile app - Android, Apple
  3. Install the dependencies using npm install inside the client/TimeWise folder
  4. Start Expo by running expo start inside client/TimeWise and scan the QR on your phone to open the app. Alternatively, connect your phone to your laptop via USB and click on Run on Androice device/emulator in the Expo dashboard.

Brief overview of the code

The code for the backend can be found in nodebe and the code for the frontend can be found in client/TimeWise:

Client Code

There are 2 main files of importance and 2 folders of importance:

  1. App.js - Entry point to the app and contains all information for routing between pages
  2. styles.js - Contains all UI styling information for components used for TimeWise
  3. /assets - Contains all images and icons used by TimeWise
  4. /context - Contains files related to the Redux architecture implemented using React Context API
  5. /components - Contains most of the code for the different UI components used in the app

Server Code

The server is implemented with Node (v10), and is using a standard MVC template for code structure. The models folder contains the entities. The code in the controllers folder is responsible for controlling the flow of the application execution. A MongoDB database is deployed with Heroku/mLabs.

To run locally

To deploy

  • First you would need to setup Heroku and authenticate yourself on your development environment
  • If you would like to setup your own Mongo with Heroku and mLabs, check out mLabs add-ons
  • heroku create timewiseapp-89757
  • git push heroku master

API endpoints exposed

  • GET, POST to {{HOST}}/api/task
  • PATCH, DELETE to {{HOST}}/api/task/:id
  • GET {{HOST}}/api/class/
  • GET {{HOST}}/api/seed
  • GET {{HOST}}/api/taskquery/?email=example@email.com