URL Shortner

An API app that creates shortern url and and redirects them to the orginal url using the shorterned key

Technology and dependency

  • Ruby version - Ruby 2.6.3
  • Rails version - Ruby 6.1.3
  • System dependencies - postgresql

Setting up the Application

  • Install gems - bundle install
  • Database creation - rake db:create
  • Database Migration - rake db:migrate

Runnings tests

  • How to run the test suite - bundle exec rspec

Starting the server

  • Starting the app - bundle exec rails s


  • Currently the app does not support encoded url
  • App doesnt check for duplicate url in the system any time a user enter a url its creates a new key
  • Since we have 4 character keys we can support 64^4 = 16 Million keys

Example with curl

  • Add url to shortern curl --location --request POST 'localhost:3000/shortern?redirect_url=https://google.com'

  • Redirection to orginal url curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/Lvs='