JVC Projector Remote for Homeassistant

this repo contains a remote implementation for jvc projectors.

Check out the Home Assistant Community Page if you're having trouble getting this working.

The jvcprojector remote platform allows you to control the state of a JVC Projector.

DISCLAIMER: I rarely have time to work on these things, so if anything is broken, let me know and I'll push out a patch as quickly as possible. Alternatively, create a pull request!

Known Supported Units:

  • DLA-X5900
  • DLA-RS1000

The IP command format hasn't changed for a while and it should work with most JVC D-ILA projectors.

Basic Setup and Example Usage

Add this under remote in your configuration.yaml (NOTE: no web interface set up at the moment, there's an open issue for it):

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: jvcprojector
    name: Projector
    scan_interval: 30

You can implement changing of the projector input and lens memory based on input_select entities and some automation templates.

Edit your automations.yaml (Thanks to OtisPresley for the updated instructions!):

  - alias: projector input
      platform: state
      entity_id: input_select.jvc_projector_input
        - condition: state
          entity_id: remote.theater_room_projector
          state: 'on'
      service: remote.send_command
        entity_id: remote.theater_room_projector
        command: >-
            {% if is_state('input_select.jvc_projector_input', 'HDMI 1') %}
            {% elif is_state('input_select.jvc_projector_input', 'HDMI 2') %}
            {% endif %}

Make sure the entitity_id matches your projector. You can go to Developer Settings and under Services, use the Remote:Turn on service to select the entity. Then use GO TO YAML MODE to see the entity_id.

Add an Entities card to your dashboard to control it. Make sure the inputs switch stays on to be able to change projector inputs.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In your projector settings, you must make sure that the Control4 setting is turned OFF under Network options. While this is on, the projector will not expose port 20554, which means this integration won’t work.


HACS (Recommended)

For easy installation and updates, use HACS to install this custom component. The installation instructions for HASS are available here.

After you've enabled HACS

Once HACS is setup, go to Settings -> Custom Repositories and add the following Repository:


And use type Integration. Once installed, proceed to follow README in the 'jvcprojector' directory.

Hassbian (Advanced)

This is for experienced users only, I won't provide support for these installs because there are too many variables. Clone this repo and copy the jvcprojector directory to,


My <config_dir> is /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/

Install the jvc-projector-remote python module. For hassbian,

sudo -u <homeassistant> -H -s
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
pip install jvc-projector-remote


Configuration Variables

name: (string) (Required) friendly name for your projector.

host: (string) (Required) your projector IP address.

scan_interval: (string) (Optional) timeout used to update the component (strong suggestion to set this to 30 or higher)

Service remote.turn_off

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no Entity ID to projector.

Service remote.turn_on

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no Entity ID to projector.

Service remote.send_command

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no Entity ID to projector.
command no A command to send.

The available commands are:

  • Lens Memory: memory1, memory2, memory3, memory4,memory5
  • Source: hdmi1, hdmi2
  • Picture Mode: pm_cinema, pm_hdr, pm_natural, pm_film, pm_THX, pm_user{1-6}, pm_hlg
  • Low Latency Mode: pm_low_latency_enable, pm_low_latency_disable
  • Mask mask_off, mask_custom{1,2,3}
  • Lamp lamp_{high,low}
  • Menu Controls menu, menu_{up,down,left,right,ok,back}
  • Lens Aperture aperture_off, aperture_auto{1,2}
  • Anamorphic anamorphic_off, anamorphic_{a,b,c}

Currently there is no feedback for these commands. For power on/off, use the remote.turn_on and remote.turn_off services, as these retrieve the power state.


Check out the Home Assistant Community Page if you're having trouble getting this working.

Home Assistant Component

If you'd like home assistant specific support, or would like me to implement/improve a feature for the homeassistant component, raise an issue and I'll get around to it.

Python Module Support

If you would like a new command to be implemented, or have issues with related code, please raise an issue in the jvc-projector-remote repo.