TradeConnect enables Retailers to manage the supply chain seamlessly through their mobile phones. it also enables them to manage their store, have a record of their sells, orders and connections. And guess what everything synced on cloud in realtime.
SignUp | SignIn |
Create Account | Home Screen |
My Orders | My Connections |
My Sells | View Store |
My Invitations | Pending Orders |
Profile View | Analytics |
- STEP 1: Copy the apk file from path app/release/app-release.apk to your android device(>=8.0)
- STEP 2: Install the apk file in your device.
- STEP 1: Install latest version of Android Studio.
- STEP 2: Copy the TradeConnectApp folder to your system.
- STEP 3: Open AndroidStudio, go to the location where you copie the folder, and open it as AndroidProject.
- STEP 4: Once the initial build is done, connect your phone to the system through USB cable.
- STEP 5: Allow USB debugging, in your phone.
- STEP 6: Click on the Run button in the AndroidStudio, selecting your device.
- STEP 1: Install latest version of node.
- STEP 2: Copy the TradeConnectBackend folder to your system.
- STEP 3: Open VScode or any IDE, go to the location where you copie the folder, open terminal and run npm install.
- STEP 4: Once the packages are installed create a .env file if you are running in your local machine and set environment variables of server if you are deploying it on cloud.
- STEP 5: Set following environment variables using in backend JWT_SECRET=college_project JWT_EXPIRY=30d DB_URL=mongodb:// MAIL_PASSWORD=your_password.
- STEP 6: Open a terminal in your IDE and run npm start if you are running on local and run server on deployment cloud if you are using cloud.
- Name: Raghav Sharma
- Roll: 19ESKIT073
- Branch: IT-B (G1)
- Role: Mobile App Developer (Android,Kotlin)
- Name: Mukul Jangid
- Roll: 19ESKIT058
- Branch: IT-B (G1)
- Role: Backend Developer (NodeJS,Express,MongoDB)