


TradeConnect enables Retailers to manage the supply chain seamlessly through their mobile phones. it also enables them to manage their store, have a record of their sells, orders and connections. And guess what everything synced on cloud in realtime.

Download APK



SignUp SignIn
signup signin
Create Account Home Screen
createretailer homescreen
My Orders My Connections
myorders myconnections
My Sells View Store
mysellbatchdetail mystore
My Invitations Pending Orders
myinvitations pendingorders
Profile View Analytics
myprofile analyticsorders

Run Configurations



  • STEP 1: Copy the apk file from path app/release/app-release.apk to your android device(>=8.0)
  • STEP 2: Install the apk file in your device.


  • STEP 1: Install latest version of Android Studio.
  • STEP 2: Copy the TradeConnectApp folder to your system.
  • STEP 3: Open AndroidStudio, go to the location where you copie the folder, and open it as AndroidProject.
  • STEP 4: Once the initial build is done, connect your phone to the system through USB cable.
  • STEP 5: Allow USB debugging, in your phone.
  • STEP 6: Click on the Run button in the AndroidStudio, selecting your device.


  • STEP 1: Install latest version of node.
  • STEP 2: Copy the TradeConnectBackend folder to your system.
  • STEP 3: Open VScode or any IDE, go to the location where you copie the folder, open terminal and run npm install.
  • STEP 4: Once the packages are installed create a .env file if you are running in your local machine and set environment variables of server if you are deploying it on cloud.
  • STEP 5: Set following environment variables using in backend JWT_SECRET=college_project JWT_EXPIRY=30d DB_URL=mongodb:// MAIL_PASSWORD=your_password.
  • STEP 6: Open a terminal in your IDE and run npm start if you are running on local and run server on deployment cloud if you are using cloud.

Team Details

Member 1

  • Name: Raghav Sharma
  • Roll: 19ESKIT073
  • Branch: IT-B (G1)
  • Role: Mobile App Developer (Android,Kotlin)

Member 2

  • Name: Mukul Jangid
  • Roll: 19ESKIT058
  • Branch: IT-B (G1)
  • Role: Backend Developer (NodeJS,Express,MongoDB)