
zsh plugin for arduino build, upload and monitor

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Arduino plugin - Very WIP - you've been warned

Build, upload and monitor arduino sketches from zsh. Reuses .vscode/arduino.json if available else you can set env vars.


  1. In a sketch folder, run ar_build
  • If you have .vscode/arduino.json, then all flags - esp fqbn is pulled in from there.
  1. Setting compile time vars
  • ar_build stm32-nrf24tx02.ino --build-properties='compiler.cpp.extra_flags=-DDEBUG
  1. You can just run ar_upload directly - if a binary (AR_BIN) isn't set, then it will build & upload
  • to force build, use ar_build; ar_upload


  1. arduino-cli
  2. jq - sudo apt install jq



  • zplug "raghur/zsh-arduino"

Manual - Git

  1. clone this somewhere in your $FPATH
  2. Source plugin.zsh from your startup scripts
  3. In your sketch folder, following are available
    • ar_build, ar_upload, ar_env, ar_serial