
  1. Room Library (For database)
  2. Stetho (for debugging)

1. Attendance Activity: a. Aim: 1. Should take 3 output values: Classes Held Classes Attended Desired Percentage 2. Should display following information:
a. Current Percentage b. No of classes required to attend b. Interfaces :
1. Added 5 textboxes (editable). Added 5 textboxes (editable). Of them are for user Input (Classes Held, Classes Attended, Desired Percentage). 2 are for output (current attendance percentage, number of classes required to attend). 2. Should add labels for boxes. c. Working:
1. Calculating the output values based on the input using attendance formula. d. Issues: 1. Showing wrong output values. Must be an issue with formula or type casting. 2. Reminder Activity: a. Aim: 1.Activity to add task reminders and remind them.It contains a add task button which opens a new dialog where you can give inputs. 2. It should take following input values: a. Title of task b. Time to reminder 2. It will set a reminder (alarm ) and the task details on the interface. b. Interfaces: 1. Created a task view for alertDialog with textbox(title), time picker and button to save. 2.In the activity.xml, Added a table layout to display the tasks and a button to open dialog box. c. Working: 1. Takes the input from user in alertDialog and create a task object. 2. Insert the task object in the database using task Dao.