
A trivia/learning game created for a client as the primary project of COMP 585H at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Primary LanguageC#


A trivia/learning game created for a client as the primary project of COMP 585H at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Table of Contents


Should work natively on Unity versions >= 5.5.1f1, but will be compatible with most recent versions of Unity if packaged.


Simply importing all the assets into a new Unity project and opening the Main scene should suffice.

In Unity,

Edit > Project Settings > Player > Resolution and Presentation > Orientation

will allow you to restrict the game to portrait only (for mobile devices).

If you're building the game for older devices, make sure

Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Minimum API Level

agrees with your version of Android.

To reduce some audio decoding delay on mobile devices, change

Edit > Project Settings > Audio > DSP Buffer Size

to "Best latency".

To reduce some artifacting on specific game textures, uncheck

Image > Import Settings > Generate Mip Maps

and alter the "Filter Mode" settings as desired.

Networking Setup

Instructions for setting up the game's networking can be found here.