
Generating icons for Web manifest

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Generate icon images by Web Manifest icons property. size and location will be referenced as writing icon images


npm install --save @pwa/manifest-icons


const manifestIcons = require('@pwa/manifest-icons');
const manifest = {

(() => {
  const manifest.icons = await manifestIcons({
    // path for source image
    src: path.resolve(process.cwd(). './assets/icon.png'),
    // using cached images
    cache: true,
    // root path for output icons
    output: './static/manifest/icons',
    // revamp icon path with publicPath, which will be returned after resize. if null, using
    // output path
    publicPath: '/static/manifest/icons/',
    // sizes for resizing, default is 192, 512
    sizes: [192, 512]

// or using sync APIs powered by https://github.com/ybogdanov/node-sync

const manifest.icons = manifestIcons.sync({


MIT @ Jimmy Moon