Getting Started

  1. The '/nvim/' folder within this project should be placed in your '~/.config/' folder.
  2. If using Windows install WSL if not already downloaded, Mac/Linux can ignore this step.
  3. Be sure to have; homebrew, node, neovim, lazy (package manager for nvim), and lua installed.
  4. If all of the above are installed correctly, navigate to '~/.config/nvim/'
  5. From here run 'nvim .' in your terminal. This will open the current directory.
  6. If the lazy package manager does not automatically open, type ':Lazy'.
  7. This should open a window, from this window type 'S' (Capital S - Shift + s), this will tell lazy package manager to sync all of the packages to make your nvim setup awesome.
  8. You make have to press 'Shift + s' several times just to be sure that everything is downloaded correctly.

Thats it, now go be the coolest programmer ever!