
A proxy delegating ldap requests to backends.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A proxy delegating ldap requests to backends.

The goal of this project is to make other forms of authentication available to the ldap protocol and combine multiple datasources into one.

Getting Started

To get started, build the app with go build and start the proxy with ./ldap-proxy porxy. The the proxy loads the configuration by default from a file named config.json. You can change the file used for configuration using the flag --filename <config-file.json>.

Some examples can be found in examples.


Backends must implement the pkg.BackendFactory and must register themselves with config.Loader.AddFactory(pkg.BackendFactory).

The base configuration has the following keys:

  • name: The name of the backend. This is only used for display and logging.
  • baseDn: the base dn for this backend.
  • peopleRdn: the rdn for users
  • userRdnAttribute: the rdn attribute of a single user


The in-memory backend allows to define users in the configuration file. This backend should be used to setup application users to authenticate for searching real users


  • listUsers: weather to list the users during search
  • users: a list of all the users
    • name: the name of the users
    • password: a bcrypt protected password like $2a$12$ti1w7IG6I1hsyVcv/C2Z9OvX/DnG8ldHYQm1jqfN38q2GtSZW0NvG


The postgres backend connects to a database using the postgres protocoll (postgres or cockroachdb) and uses sql to authenticate and query users.


  • url: the url to the postgres server (or cockroach) e. g. postgres://test:test@localhost:26257/auth?sslmode=disable
  • columns: the db columns and their ldap attribute names. The key represents the db column name, the value the ldap attribute name.