
Profile Management with Git and Github

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Profile Management with Git and GitHub


EFI boot picker screen
EFI menu screen
ZSH command prompt with powerlevel9k theme
ZSH command prompt with auto-suggestions
TMUX status line showing host OS, session name and other things
Neovim setup, customized for C++ developement
Neomutt setup, terminal based email utility
AweomeWM - Alacritty, Zim, Zathura and notifications panel
AweomeWM - firefox


Run the bootstrap script

$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ragu-manjegowda/config/master/.config/scripts/bootstrap.sh)"

The following describes a simple way to manage profile configuration files using GitHub.


  • Centralized configuration management
  • Files live in their native locations (no symbolic linking)
  • Home directory is not a Git repository
  • All the power of git with a simple alias

Setup Repository

  • Log into GitHub and create a repository named config
  • Add your public keys to GitHub (if you haven’t done so already)
  • Open a terminal and switch to your home directory $ cd ~
  • Create a configuration directory $ mkdir .config.git
  • Add the following alias to your .bashrc and/or your .bash_profile alias config='git --git-dir=$HOME/.config.git/ --work-tree=$HOME'
  • Add your .bash_profile to the configuration repository $ config add .bash_profile
  • Commit the changes $ config commit -m 'Initial commit'
  • Change the origin to GitHub $ config remote add origin git@github.com:GITHUB_USERNAME/config.git
  • Push the changes config push origin master

If you get an error when running config pull to the effect of You asked me to pull without... run the follow:

$ echo -e '[branch "master"]\n  remote = origin\n  merge = refs/heads/master' >> ~/.config.git/config

Setup Configuration Management on a Different System

  1. Add your public keys to GitHub (if you haven’t done so already)
  2. Switch to your home directory $ cd ~
  3. Backup your local configuration files, example: $ mv .bash_profile .bash_profile.bk $ mv .bashrc .bashrc.bk
  4. Clone your configuration repository $ git clone git@github.com:GITHUB_USERNAME/config.git config.git
  5. Move the git metadata to ~/.config.git $ mv config.git/.git .config.git
  6. Enable dotglob $ shopt -s dotglob
  7. Move your configuration files to your home directory $ mv -i config.git/* .
  8. Delete the config.git directory $ rmdir config.git
  9. Logout and log back in
  10. Note: Sub-modules needs to be updated $ git submodule update --remote --rebase

Git tracking using vim plugins

  1. Set core.worktree like the following $ git --git-dir=$HOME/.config.git --work-tree=$HOME config --local core.worktree $HOME
  2. open files of this repository with the alias cvim

Basic Usage

  • config pull - get latest configuration changes
  • config add FILENAME - add a configuration file
  • config commit -a - save all configuration changes
  • config push - push configuration changes to GitHub
  • and any other config GIT_OPTION
