
These are the Runbooks I've created for the fig program. Fig is a terminal assistant that is really nice!

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These are the Runbooks I've created for the fig program. Fig is a terminal assistant that is really nice!

Runbooks are made with Rundown, a combination of a markdown parser and a TIL scripting language. This allows for the creation of notebooks that run scripts in your current terminal.

List of Runbooks:

File Description
CreateRunbooks.run This Runbook gives the different steps for creating a Runbook.
SvelteProject.run This Runbook allows you to create a Svelte based project and run commands on it. It will flesh our the new project in your project directory.

Directory and files needed for these Runbooks

These runbooks expect you to have a directory called ~/.myfig. In that directory, these files are expected to be there:

File Description
.currentRunbook This file contains the name of the current Runbook being edited in the CreateRunbook.run Runbook.
.projdir This file contains the path to the dirctory you keep your Runbooks.
.currentSvelteProject This file contains the name of the Svelte project being edited in the SvelteProject.run Runbook.
.svelteprojdir This file contains the path to the project directory for all your Svelte based projects.