Waldo App

This is an implementation of the children's game, Where's Waldo that uses a Rails back end.

The app contains a collection of large images where the user is meant to find several characters such as Waldo and Odlaw. Once the user finds all the characters, they can add their name to the highscores list if they managed to find the characters in time (top 5 scores).

Waldo App

View Project

  • Ruby version - 2.3.3

  • Rails version - 5.1.4

Running Locally

  • Configuration - run bundle install to install and include the gems specified in the Gemfile, while skipping the installation gems using the option --without production:
$ bundle install --without production

This arranges to skip the pg gem for PostgreSQL in development and use SQLite for development and testing. In case you've previously installed a version of a gem (such as Rails) other than the one specified by the Gemfile, it's a good idea to update the gems with bundle install to make sure the versions match:

$ bundle update


There are a total of 3 tables that store all the data. The images table stores the images and their dimensions. The characters table stores the characters to find and their coordinates (x, y) within the image. The highscores table stores all the highscores for each image. To seed the database I use the standard ruby file db/seeds.rb.

$ rails db:seed


  • This was part of The Odin Project curriculum.