
Hangman game made using python

Primary LanguagePython

Python Hangman game

Welcome to the Hangman game! Test out your word-guessing skills with this game. Try to uncover the hidden word by guessing one letter at a time, but be careful – you only have a limited number of incorrect guesses before it's game over!



How to play:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command: git clone https://github.com/your-username/hangman-game.git

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd hangman-game

  3. Run the game by executing the Python script: python main.py

A random word will be chosen as the secret word. The goal is to guess this word letter by letter.

You can guess a letter by typing it and pressing Enter. If the letter is part of the word, it will be revealed; if not, you'll lose one of your limited incorrect guesses.

Keep guessing letters until you either uncover the entire word (win) or run out of incorrect guesses (lose).

The game will keep track of your wins and losses. Feel free to play as many rounds as you like and challenge yourself to improve your guessing skills!

Try It Online

If you prefer not to download anything, you can also play Hangman online using Replit. Click on the following link: Play Hangman on Replit


The original code for this Hangman game was inspired by this udemy course - 100 Days of code Python bootcamp. You can find the original code and play the game online here on Replit. Feel free to fork the code and customize it to your liking. Enjoy guessing those words!