Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

Welcome to the Rock-Paper-Scissors game! This is a simple Python implementation of the classic game where you can play against the computer. Test your luck and strategy by choosing between rock, paper, and scissors to see who comes out as the winner.


image image

How to play:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

cd rock-paper-scissors

  1. Run the game by executing the Python script:


  1. Follow the on-screen instructions to make your choice (rock, paper, or scissors). The computer will also randomly select its choice.

  2. The game will then announce the winner of the round based on the choices made.

  3. Play as many rounds as you like and enjoy the excitement of this timeless game!

Try It Online

If you'd like to try out the game without downloading anything, you can also play it online using Replit. Just click on the following link: Play Rock-Paper-Scissors on Replit


The original code was created during a Replit coding session. You can find the original code and play the game online here at replit. You can also fork the code and try it out for yourself.