
interactive social game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


interactive social game



  • sub categories:
    • Planets
    • Species
  • abilities in the future? Either inherent, species based, or growth based.

Social Profile Connection


  • P1:
    • Open app, select character
    • scan code for opponent --- entering battle + details about opponent
    • winner or loser declared
    • points assigned accordingly and pushed up to cloud api
  • P2:
    • Augmented reality? Video-based confirmation?

----------------------------------------- issues ----------------------------------------------------

  • players scanning their own characters and replaying over and over for points

    • no points for characters owned by same user
  • players playing against fictional users

  • players playing the same friend over and over again and going back and forth with each other for points

    • diminishing points against same opponent
    • time constraints:
      • p1 vs p2: 1st win = 100pts, 2nd-50pts, 3rd-25pts, 4th-10pts, 5th-5pts, 6th through 10th = 1pt
      • resets up each day, up to a max of 50pts in a week.



  • battlegrounds - designated locations that have higher points per battlegrounds.
  • Google Maps API
  • Need to standardize location data storage
  • need routes to determine if location within radius
  • need routes to get battlegrounds within radius


  • tournaments can be hosted on battlegrounds. Winners get extra points, and a multiplier for each leg of victories. I.e quarter-final is a 2x, semi: 5x, final: 10x


  • chat
  • character AIs?

Future Considerations


  • DB scaling or migration
  • Are GUIDs needed? If so where, selective or blanket?
  • System/method to change db schema without losing data
  • Way to update running production version without loss of sevice (AWS load balancers?)
  • Automate all the things: Jenkins, Octopus, Docker?





  • scoreboard can be determined by querying user/thumbbuddy table intersected with battles.