interactive social game
- sub categories:
- Planets
- Species
- abilities in the future? Either inherent, species based, or growth based.
- P1:
- Open app, select character
- scan code for opponent --- entering battle + details about opponent
- winner or loser declared
- points assigned accordingly and pushed up to cloud api
- P2:
- Augmented reality? Video-based confirmation?
----------------------------------------- issues ----------------------------------------------------
players scanning their own characters and replaying over and over for points
- no points for characters owned by same user
players playing against fictional users
players playing the same friend over and over again and going back and forth with each other for points
- diminishing points against same opponent
- time constraints:
- p1 vs p2: 1st win = 100pts, 2nd-50pts, 3rd-25pts, 4th-10pts, 5th-5pts, 6th through 10th = 1pt
- resets up each day, up to a max of 50pts in a week.
- battlegrounds - designated locations that have higher points per battlegrounds.
- Google Maps API
- Need to standardize location data storage
- need routes to determine if location within radius
- need routes to get battlegrounds within radius
- tournaments can be hosted on battlegrounds. Winners get extra points, and a multiplier for each leg of victories. I.e quarter-final is a 2x, semi: 5x, final: 10x
- chat
- character AIs?
- DB scaling or migration
- Are GUIDs needed? If so where, selective or blanket?
- System/method to change db schema without losing data
- Way to update running production version without loss of sevice (AWS load balancers?)
- Automate all the things: Jenkins, Octopus, Docker?
- Postgres hosted on AWS RDS
- Sequelize as ORM:
- scoreboard can be determined by querying user/thumbbuddy table intersected with battles.