
Sudoku Solver

Primary LanguageJava

SAT-based Sudoku Solver

University of Victoria

CSC 320: Foundations of Computer Science

Members Student Number
Rahat Mahbub V00790465
Rafat Mahmud V00808906


* Sud2sat.java - reads a Sudoku puzzle (in some specified text format) and converts it to a CNF formula suitable for input to the miniSAT SAT solver.

* Sud2SatExtended.java - Same as above but uses extended encoding, in addition to minimal encoding.

* sat2sud.py - reads the output produced by miniSAT for a given puzzle instance and converts it back into a solved Sudoku puzzle (suitable for printing)

* extractor.py - Takes in a file with many sudoku puzzles, cleans them and uses Sud2Sat, minisat and sat2sud to produce a final solved board for each.

* fiftygrids.sudoku - https://projecteuler.net/project/resources/p096_sudoku.txt
* top95.sudoku - http://magictour.free.fr/top95
* hexa*.sudoku - 16X16 sudoku puzzles

* outputformatter.py - Formats a solved board to be checked by: www.sudoku-solutions.com

Program Requirements

* Java
* Python
* minisat


* extractor.py - Use this to solve many puzzles at once.
	$ python extractor.py top95.sudoku
	To use extended encoding:
	$ python extractor.py fiftygrids.sudoku extended

* Sud2sat -
	Compile with:
	$ javac Sud2sat.java
	Run with:
	$ java Sud2sat <sudoku-filename> <dimacs-output-file-name>

* Sud2SatExtended -
	Compile with:
	$ javac Sud2SatExtended.java
	Run with:
	$ java Sud2SatExtended <sudoku-filename> <dimacs-output-filename>

* sat2sud.py -
	$ python sat2sud.py <minisat-output> <solved-board-output-filename>