
My Learning on Hoppscotch



  • Liyas Thomas created Hoppscotch as an opensource alternative to Postman. Details are available here


  • Scripting
    • The pw object provides access to request and response data and variables.
      • request
      • headers
      • body
    • Varaiables are created and removed using pw.env.set & pw.env.unset().
    • Variables can be accessed using pw.env.get.
    • <<variableName>> notation is used to access variables in URL, Headers etc...
    • Tescases can be written using pw.test and pw.expect is used to run assertions.
  • Cli
    • Can be downloaded using below
      npm i -g @hoppscotch/cli
    • Execution of collection can be done using
      hopp test [-e <environment file>] [-d <delay_in_ms> ] <hoppscotch collection file>
