My UI Library Monorepo 🚀

This monorepo contains a simple UI library with a counter component using Snabbdom.

Project Structure 📂

The project follows a monorepo structure using Lerna:

  ├── packages/
  │   ├── ui-components/
  │   │   ├── src/
  │   │   │   ├── Counter.js
  │   │   │   └── App.js
  │   │   
  │   └── test/
  │   |    └── ui-library.test.js
  |   └── lib/
  │       └── ui-library.js
  |        ── index.js  
  ├── lerna.json
  ├── package.json
  ├── index.html
  └── app.js

About Lerna 🛠️

Lerna is a tool optimized for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages. It optimizes the workflow around managing multi-package repositories with git and npm.

Benefits of Lerna:

  • Monorepo Structure: Allows managing multiple packages within a single repository.
  • Versioning: Provides versioning for packages independently or in a unified manner.
  • Cross-Dependency Management: Simplifies linking and testing across packages.

About Snabbdom 🌐

Snabbdom is a fast, modular, and concise virtual DOM library for JavaScript. It provides efficient rendering and updating of UI components.

Benefits of Snabbdom:

  • Performance: Optimized for speed with a focus on minimal overhead.
  • Modularity: Allows using only the necessary modules for a minimal bundle size.
  • Simple API: Provides a clean and straightforward API for creating virtual DOM elements.