Tourism Travel & Travel Information (Website-Name)

Github Client Side Code Link:

Github Server Side Code Link:

Server Live link (Heroku):

Website Live Link (Firebase):

About Website?

  • Tourism Travel is one of the biggest sector of Economy. SO we should try to focus whatever we can Do make it better with a better plan.
  • Giving Online Travel Information through this website
  • People can Take a tour and get a chance to give his feedback through writing blogs
  • The Best tour travel can be added By Admin, and this Travel Information will be saved automatically in the server and update our websute.
  • Great Travel Community inside and Outside of the COuntry
  • Opportunity to work with new peoples and new Tourist
  • Tourist Guide

About the Website?

Used Frameworks and Libraries

  • Framework and Library Used
  • React-Router-Dom
  • React-Bootstrap
  • React-hook-form
  • Firebase integration
  • Heroku Server handling
  • MongoDB Atlas For database Integration (express,cors,dotenv,nodemon)
  • Mapbox-gl(Token problem)

ALL Components (21 Components)

  1. AddNewTravel
  2. AddTravelBlog
  3. AdminDashboard
  4. AllBlogList
  5. Banner
  6. ConfirmBooking
  7. Footer
  8. GalleryImage
  9. Header
  10. Home
  11. Login
  12. ManageAllBooking
  13. MyBooking
  14. MyMap
  15. NotFound
  16. PrivateRoute
  17. SingleBlogList
  18. SingleTravelList
  19. SingleTravelListInfo
  20. TravelList
  21. Vacation

Application Router

All Routers Used

  • / == (root,home)
  • /home
  • /travel
  • /travelbooking/:travelId (dynamic route)
  • /gallery
  • /login
  • /blog
  • /confirmbooking
  • /admin
  • /mybooking
  • /manageallbooking
  • /addtravel
  • /addtravelblog
  • /showallblog
  • /* Not Found

MONGODB Database Collection

  1. travel
  2. booking
  3. blog

Functionality Description



  • For continuos integrate and deployment in Heroky CLI
    1. git push heroku main