
This plugins custom for Coinvestasi Academy

Primary LanguagePHP

=== ICN Academy ===
Contributors: Coinvestasi, Rahmat Subandi
Tags: quiz, quizzes, quizes, quiz, questionnaire, questionnaires, questionnairs, questionair, questionaires, hdquiz, ICN Academy, test, question and answers, harmonic design
Requires at least: 5
Tested up to: 5.9
Stable tag: 1.8.5
Requires PHP: 7.0 or latest
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Create a Quiz. A very easy to use and feature rich plugin to create an unlimited amount of quizzes and embed them on to any page or post.

== Description ==

ICN Academy. The easiest way to create fun quizzes for you site

ICN Academy is a very easy to use plugin to create an unlimited amount of quizzes and embed them onto any page or post. ICN Academy is equally perfect for building strong professional based questionnaires or fun Buzzfeed style quizzes.

= NOTICE ⚠️ =
The 1.8.x version is a major upgrade. Your quiz and question data will need to be upgraded if you are upgrading ICN Academy from an earlier version. If you have less than 60 questions this will be done automatically in the background. However, if you have more, you will need to use the manual upgrade tool (don't worry; it's just a click of a button).

If you have any issues with upgrading to this version, please contact me on my support forum so I can help you. [view the ICN Academy plugin page](https://coinvestasi.com/ "view the ICN Academy plugin page")

Upgrading does not modify or delete your old quiz data in any way, so you can also always revert back to a previous version of ICN Academy [here](https://coinvestasi.com/ "download older version of ICN Academy") (download link is at the bottom of the page).

= Features include 👍 =

* Unlimited amount of quizzes
* Each quiz has individual options
* Mobile-friendly (responsive design)
* Touch friendly (each option is coded and designed to make it easy to select on touch devices)
* Each question can have its own featured image
* Each question can have its own tooltip
* Share quizzes across Facebook and Twitter
* Image based answers
* Animated gifs as question featured image, or for any answer
* Quiz Timer - set a time limit to complete the quiz
* - [NEW] Timer per question
* Multiple question types, including user input
* - [NEW] New question type: Select All That Apply
* Pagination
* Question as title / heading
* Basic translation features (found in the ICN Academy About / Options page)
* Add links or images to quiz results
* Ability to add a small write-up for each question that would be displayed underneath the question on quiz completion.
* Grab from a pool of questions
* So, so much more!

= Individual Quiz Options are: =

* Results position (above quiz/below quiz)
* Ability to share quiz results
* Results checking (highlights right and wrong answers on quiz completion)
 * Option to highlight what the correct answer was
* Pass percentage
* Quiz Pass text
* Quiz Fail text
* Quiz Timer
* Pagination
* Random question order
* Random answer order
* So, so much more!

[view the ICN Academy plugin page](https://coinvestasi.com/ "view the ICN Academy plugin page")


= Adding A New Quiz =
* Select **Quizzes** in the left menu.
* Enter the name of the quiz, then click on Add A New Quiz. This will add it to the list on the right.
* Click the name of the newly added quiz to set the quiz options such as the needed pass percentage.

= Adding New Questions =

* Select **Add New Question** in the left menu.
* Enter the question as the title.
* You can have up to ten (10) answers per question. Make sure to select which answer is the correct one.
* In the right sidebar, you will see a metabox called **Quizzes** with a list of all quizzes you have created. Select the quiz that this question belongs to.

= Using A Quiz =

* ICN Academy uses shortcodes to render a quiz, so you can place a quiz almost anywhere on your site!
* To find the shortcode for a quiz, select **Quizzes** in the left menu.
* You will now see a list of all of your quizzes in a table, with the shortcode listed.
* Copy and paste the shortcode into any page or post you want to render that quiz!


I have already taken this plugin farther than I intended, but I'm overwhelmed with joy at how much you are all using and loving ICN Academy!
Because of this, I have no intentions of stopping or slowing down development!

If you have any feature requests, then please let me know via the support tab or by leaving a comment on the [ICN Academy plugin page](https://coinvestasi.com/ "ICN Academy plugin page").

= LIST =

* Quiz styler
* Global / default quiz options
* Translation ready (including the admin area)

== Installation ==

The plugin can be installed like any other.

1. Log into WordPress
1. Select Plugins, then Add New
1. Select Upload Plugin
1. Choose the zip file, then Install and activate

Once installed, you will need to create your first quiz by going to ICN Academy, then Quizzes.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Using an image already in my library =

WordPress will NOT create the new thumbnail size for images that existed before the installation of ICN Academy, only new ones. This is likely because on larger sites, this would take up vast amounts of server resources.

If you do not wish to simply re-upload any desired image from your library, then I would recommend using the [Regenerate Thumbnails](https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/ "Regenerate Thumbnails") plugin (over 1 Million active installs). It will go through and recreate thumbnails for every single image in your library, ensuring that all images in your library can be used with ICN Academy.

With that said, I do, however, have plans to integrate a solution that will work with images uploaded before the installation of ICN Academy.

= What's the difference between WP Pagination and jQuery Pagination? Which should I use? =

Unless you are a unique situation, I'd almost always recommend using jQuery Pagination as it provides more control for you and a better experience for your users. WP Pagination should only be used if you are trying to increase your overall page views for ad revenue or something similar.

More information can be found on the ICN Academy About / Options page.

= I have a feature request! =
Fantastic! I'm one of those coders who loves a good challenge. Please submit your feature request here by using the **support** tab or leave a request of the [official ICN Academy plugin page](https://coinvestasi.com/ "view the ICN Academy plugin page").

= Keywords =
Quiz, quizzes, create a quiz, add a quiz, quiz plugin, hdq, harmonic design

== Screenshots ==

1. Example Quiz
2. Example Quiz 2
3. Quizzes Page
4. Questions Page

== Changelog ==
= 1.8.5 =
* Change style
* Modify plugins
* Adding results query

= 1.8.4 =
* Minor updates
* Security Update

= 1.8.3 =
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, optimizations
* Better admin interface for users with LOTS of questions
* New feature - hide questions on quiz completion
* Introduction to the Save Results Pro addon

= 1.8.2 =
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, optimizations, and overall more polished UX
* New question type: Select All That Apply
* Quizzes are almost fully WCAG compliant (keyboard navigation work still needed)
* More easily rename a quiz from "Advanced" tab
* New on init filter
* Better settings page
* More translation options
* New "auto scroll" functionalty (enable Legacy Scroll if you want to use the old system)

= 1.8.1 =
* Various bug fixes and enhancments related to 1.8.0

= 1.8.0 =
* Too many changes to list, but here are some of the major
* New question type - text / input based answers (user types answer)
* New timer feature - per question
* Quizzes hidden behind a "start" button if a timer is set
* Quiz and question meta now hookable (for developers)
* Significantly faster
* Basic AMP detection to direct users to non AMP version
* Basic loop detection if more than one quiz is on a page at a time to improve compatability
* Ability to add basic formatting such as `strong` and `sup` to questions and answers
* various bug fixes and enhancements
* a whole lot more

= 1.7.0 =
* minor bug fixes and updates
* [feature] only allow answers to be selected once
* [enhancments] custom actions for developers
* [addon] Release of ICN Academy Save Results Light (view addons page)

= 1.6.1 =
* minor big fixes and updates
* ability to add score percent
* ability to allow authors access to edit or add quizzes / questions

= 1.6.0 =
* complete admin UI overhaul
* additional bug fixes and enhancments
* integrated custom question ordering
* too many updates to remember

= 1.5.0 =
Massive rewrite of almost the entire plugin. Please do not hesitate to ask for support if needed, but upgrading should not be an issue.
* much cleaner admin area
* improved quiz design
* significantly optimized quiz code
* increased security and efficiency
* removal of results.php - all calculation done client side now

= 1.4.2 =
* various bug fixes and compatability increases
* Quiz option to grab from a pool of questions
* Quiz option to allow the custom question text to appear even if the user selected the correct answer

= 1.4.1 =
* various bug fixes and compatability increases
* the word 'question' (that's prefixed before every question) is now translatable in the ICN Academy options page along with 'Next' and 'Finish'.
* More power over the quiz results pass/fail text. You can now embolded, italicize, and linkify the text.
* Each question can have a small write up explaining what the right answer is. This would only show if entered and if the user get's the question wrong. You can also add links to this sections if you wish.

= 1.4.0 =
* Added in the more powerful jQuery pagination feature
* Added ability to use a question as a title or heading
* added option to randomize the question answer order
* revamped quiz options page to make features more clear and even more accessible.
* added FAQ to readme.txt

= 1.3.5 =
* Added two new global options to About / Options page
 * Next Button Text
 * Finish Button Text
* NEW: Added quiz option to **randomize the order** of the questions
* NEW: Added quiz option to **highlight the correct answers** on completion
 * in addition to the default that only shows if your selected answers are right or wrong
* Speed and compatibility improvements
 * ICN Academy jQuery and CSS files will now only load if the page actually has a quiz on it
* improvements to quiz pagination
* General code cleanup and optimization

= 1.3.0 =
* Added new Timer option
* Added Pagination (experimental)
* Massive rewrite of the results function. Much more optimized and stable
* Added Quiz filter to the Questions list admin page
* New reskinning of Quiz options page
* Updated about / options page

= 1.2.1 =
* bug fixes to admin area.

= 1.2 =
* advancements to featured images for questions
 * images will upscale if you upload a small image
 * each answer can have it's own featured image.
* code cosmetics, minor bug fixes, and code optimizations

= 1.1 =
* New option to share via twitter.
 * You can set up your twitter handle to have each share mention you.
* Extended Facebook share.
 * If you create a Facebook App (don't worry, it's easy to do!), then ICN Academy can actual share a users score and results instead of Facebook grabbing content from your page as if the content were static.
 * If you do not wish to create an app, then ICN Academy will revert to the old facebook share.
* These options are global options and can be found under ICN Academy -> About / Options

== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.8.5 =
* Change style
* Modify plugins
* Adding results query

= For Information =
These plugins are the result of special modifications according to the needs used by third-party developers. Everything related to copyright, has been changed as it should be. And changes outside of the first developer's approval, if there is an error involving copyright, the third-party developer can return all existing copyrights.
Here is the official URL of the plugins that are purely from the developer side:
[view the HD Quiz original version plugin page](https://wordpress.org/plugins/hd-quiz/ "view the HD Quiz Original version plugin page")
* First Party: Early makers/programmers
* Second Party: Team HD Quiz
* Third Party: Web Developer Coinvest
Therefore, it is emphasized once again, that the "First Party" and "Second Party" did not get confirmation nor did the "Third Party" ask for permission to modify and change the original publisher. Therefore, if the "First Party" and "Second Party" object or the copyright is changed, then the "Third Party" must change or replace the plugins with the original version from the author.