Restaurant Reservation Management Interface for Yassir Frontend Coding Challenge

A live demo of the project can be found here.


Reservations List

  • Displays reservation data in a table format.
  • Utilizes @tanstack/react-table (Headless UI) for table rendering.
  • Mocks API calls using Redux Toolkit (RTK) since the application operates with mock data.


  • Multi-select filters for statuses, shifts, and areas.
  • Range date filters for date-based filtering.
  • next-usequerystate used for type-safe search params state management in Next.js.


  • Supports both ascending (asc) and descending (desc) sorting for 'ID' and 'Customer' columns.
  • Utilizes next-usequerystate to store the current sort state.


  • Simple search input field with debounce functionality for efficient searching.

Filter, Sort, and Search Functions

  • Functions responsible for filtering, sorting, and searching can be found in lib/filter-utils.ts.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install dependencies using npm install.
  4. copy the .env.example content into .env
  5. Start the development server using npm run dev.