
Blogify app built with Node.js And EJS.

Primary LanguageEJS


This application allows users to create public or private blogs, draft posts, follow/unfollow other users, verify their email, and reset their password. The project is built using EJS and Node.js.


  • User Authentication: Users can sign up, log in, and log out securely.
  • Blog Creation: Users can create public or private blogs.
  • Drafts: Users can save drafts of their blog posts for later editing and publishing.
  • Follow/Unfollow: Users can follow or unfollow other users to stay updated with their blogs.
  • Email Verification: Email verification is implemented to ensure the security of user accounts.
  • Password Reset: Users can reset their passwords if they forget them


  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/rahul-nakum14/blogify
  2. Install dependencies:
    cd blog-app
    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables:Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:
    your email password for sending verification email.
    EMAIL_USERNAME=<your email>
    EMAIL_PASSWORD=<email password
  4. Start the server: npm start