
This is an Express.js application that allows users to upload images, videos, text, audio. Main features: merge image and audio merge audio and video text to speech merge videos

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Introduction 👋

This is an Express.js application that allows users to upload images, videos, text, audio. Main features:

  • merge image and audio
  • merge audio and video
  • text to speech
  • merge videos

The application is built using the following technologies:

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Multer
  • FFmpeg
  • gtts




  • Clone the repository
  • Install dependencies using yarn install
  • Start the application using yarn start or yarn dev for development
  • Navigate to localhost:8001 in your browser



  • POST /create_new_storage - Create new storage for user

  • POST /upload_file - Upload file to storage
    • Request body:
      • my_file - file to upload
    • Response body:
      • status - status of the request
      • data - array of uploaded files

  • GET /my_upload_file - uploaded file
    • Response body:
      • status - status of the request
      • message - message of the request
      • file_path - path to the file

  • GET /public/upload/:file_name - view uploaded file
    • Response body:
      • stream of the file

  • POST /merge_image_and_audio - merge image and audio
    • Request body:
      • image_file_path - image to merge
      • audio_file_path - audio to merge
    • Response body:
      • status - status of the request
      • message - message of the request
      • video_file_path - path to the file
    • Example:
      • image_file_path - public/upload/1626170001.png
      • audio_file_path - public/upload/1626170002.mp3
    • Result:
      • video_file_path - public/upload/1626170003.mp4
      • status - ok
      • message - Video Created Successfully

  • POST /text_file_to_audio - text to speech
    • Request body:
      • file_path - text to speech
    • Response body:
      • status - status of the request
      • message - message of the request
      • audio_file_path - path to the file
    • Example:
      • file_path - public/upload/1626170004.txt
    • Result:
      • audio_file_path - public/upload/1626170005.mp3
      • status - ok
      • message - Text to speech converted

  • POST /merge_video_and_audio - merge video and audio
    • Request body:
      • video_file_path - video to merge
      • audio_file_path - audio to merge
    • Response body:
      • status - status of the request
      • message - message of the request
      • video_file_path - path to the file
    • Example:
      • video_file_path - public/upload/1626170006.mp4
      • audio_file_path - public/upload/1626170007.mp3
    • Result:
      • video_file_path - public/upload/1626170008.mp4
      • status - ok
      • message - Video and Audio Merged Successfully

  • POST /merge_all_video - merge all video
    • Request body:
      • video_file_path_list - array of video to merge
    • Response body:
      • status - status of the request
      • message - message of the request
      • video_file_path - path to the file
    • Example:
      • video_file_path_list - ["public/upload/1626170009.mp4","public/upload/1626170010.mp4","public/upload/1626170011.mp4"]
    • Result:
      • video_file_path - public/upload/1626170012.mp4
      • status - ok
      • message - Merged All Video Successfully

  • GET /download_file - Download file
    • Required query params:
      • file_path - path to the file
    • Response:
      • Download file
    • Example:
      • localhost:8001/download_file?file_path=public/upload/1626170012.mp4
    • Result:
      • Download file