Join @AccessBotHelp for help.
- Fill out the variables in
- Make the bot admin in log channel, control group and main group
- Send /start in the control group to start the bot
- You know the rest
- Detects if the mail is gmail or edu
- Gives you search links and members link based on the email
- Easy keyboard interface, very less commands
- Reply to forwarded messages to reply to original sender
- Ban the spammers using /ban command on the forwarded messages
- Keeps a log of the members approved
- Checks if the person is a member of the main group or not
All these commands work in the Control Group (specified in
- ban/unban: Pass in user id (not username) or reply to a forwarded message
- findmember: Pass in email id or reply to a message containing email id to get google grp membership search results
- findreq: Pass in email id or reply to a message containing email id to get google grp request search results
- pin: pin messages
- purge: purge messages
- Any member of the control group can use the bot so make it private and add only trusted members.
- Add help command