
'What you munching?' is a web application built using Angular 10 (Front End), Node.Js (Back End) & Postgresql (Database). Application collects favorite food along with a link to a description or recipe and stores it in a database. The data is then retrieved and displayed real-time.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

What you munching?

'What you munching?' is a web application built using Angular 10 (Front End), Node.Js (Back End) & Postgresql (Database). ✨

Application collects favourite food along with a link to a description or recipe and stores it in a database. The data is then retrieved and displayed realtime.

what you munchiong screenshot


  1. NPM installed : NPMjs site

  2. Angular CLI installed : npm install -g @angular/cli

  3. Postgresql : Postgresql site (Alternative: other sql databases)

Database Configuration :

The below configuration is written based on Postgresql. For other sql databases tweek as necessary.

  1. Setup database on a postgresql server.

  2. Create a table 'munchit' on the database using the below the script :

CREATE TABLE public.munchit
    username text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    location text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    favouritefood text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    foodlink text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('munchit_id_seq'::regclass),
    CONSTRAINT munchit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

DB.js Configuration :

  1. Open db.sql at (\what-you-munching\backend\src\db.js) in a code editor.

  2. Modify default database configuration below :

var db = {
  user: 'postgres', //as configured on database
  host: 'localhost', //if running on local
  database: 'what-you-munching', //database name configured on server
  password: '12345678', //as configured on database
  port: 5432,  //port database server is listening to as per server configuration

Running App (On Local)

Start Node.js Server

  1. Open Command Prompt & navigate to solution folder. (\what-you-munching\backend)

  2. Run command : npm start (This will start node backend that listens to port 3000 )

Launch Angular Application

  1. Open another Command Prompt & navigate to solution folder. (\what-you-munching)

  2. Run command : npm install (This should install all the dependancies)

  3. Run command : ng serve -o (This will launch a new tab on browser with the active application : http://localhost:4200/)