
Remodel unlike make, it will use MD5 hashes to detect new content and provide, dependency build.

Primary LanguageGo

Remodel (CMPSCI 630)

Remodel unlike make, it will use MD5 hashes to detect new content and provide, dependency build.

Remodel uses a different grammar than make. Dependencies can appear in any order. If you execute remodel with no arguments, it should start with the pseudo-target DEFAULT. Otherwise, the root is the argument to remodel, as in remodel foo.o.

program ::= production*
production ::= target '<-' dependency (':' '"' command '"")
dependency ::= filename (',' filename)*
target ::= filename (',' filename)*

Here's an example that builds the program baz from two source files, foo.cpp and bar.cpp.

DEFAULT <- baz
baz <- foo.o, bar.o: "g++ foo.o bar.o -o baz"
foo.o <- foo.cpp : "g++ -c foo.cpp -o foo.o"
bar.o <- bar.cpp: "g++ -c bar.cpp -o bar.o"

The dependencies are stored on disk in a special directory called .remodel/, so that remodel will not re-execute any commands unless a dependency has been violated.


Remodel is pretty simple to use. Have all the build dependencies writted to config file named "config" (without the quotes ofcourse :) . If no parameters are passed to it, default will be choosen as root.

 $ go build main.go
 $ ./main <optional_root_name>

The following the go version

  $ go version
  go version go1

Note: The program assumes all the files are present in the same directory as main.go Currently, it does not support files present in sub-directories :( .

Test Cases

  1. Check for 1st time Scan
  2. Check Intermediate Builds
  3. Builds based on Checkpoints
  4. Check For Cyclic Dependencies
  5. Handling of Missing source files / Intermediate object files

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