
Visualize .conll and other formats with brat

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple python wrapper around the brat visualization tool.

It currently works for the CoNLL 2012 format and can visualize SRL and coreference links. You can subclass the Reader class to write your own file readers and visualize other formats as well.


To see all options

$ python run.py --help
usage: run.py [-h] -f FILE_PATH [-n NUM_SENT]

Create brat visualizations from file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE_PATH, --file_path FILE_PATH
                        Path to the file to visualize.
  -n NUM_SENT, --num_sent NUM_SENT
                        Number of sentences to parse

To visualize the first 100 sentences from a .conll file

python run.py -f dev.english.v4_gold_conll -n 100

Parsing files

Every Reader class is expected to have a read method which returns 3 things:

  • text: text to visualize (usually a sentence).
  • ents: a list of constituents/mentions. It should have the following format
  ['ent_id', '', [[start_char_idx, end_char_idx]]], 
  • rels: a list of relation links between 2 ents. It should have the following format
  ['rel_id', 'rel_tag', [['head', 'ent_id_1'], ['dep', 'ent_id_2']]], 

The brat download script and HTML templates are taken from https://github.com/gabrielStanovsky/brat-visualizer