This is the complete source code from the Django Rest Framework & React Tutorial.

Local Setup

Python 3 and Pipenv need to already be installed. If you need more complete local dev instructions, see here.

Clone the repo to your computer. For example, to place it on your Desktop.

$ cd ~/Desktop
$ git clone
$ cd django-rest-framework-react-tutorial


Install the Pipenv packages and start a new shell. Then cd into the backend directory and run the local server.

$ cd backend
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
(backend) $ ./ runserver

You can see the API now at


Open up a new command line console so there are now two open. Navigate to the frontend directory.

$ cd ~/Desktop
$ cd django-rest-framework-react-tutorial
$ cd frontend

Make sure React is already installed globally. If not $ npm install -g create-react-app.

Then install necessary packages and start the React server:

$ npm install
$ npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to see a list of our DRF backend content outputted using React.