• Assignment1: Word Count
  • Assignment2: Word Search
  • Assignment3: Stop Word Removal
  • Assignment4: Weather Data Mining
  • Assignment5: Store Data Mining

The whole process is for Windows


  1. Install Java 1.8
  2. Install Hadoop 3.1.4

Steps to Run Map Reduce Assignments

  1. Create a project eg. WSProgram
  2. In the project (WSProgram) create a package (WSPackage)
  3. Create (at least) 3 files for Driver, Mapper and Reducer
    • If needed create more class
  4. Now you need to Add some external libraries, for that add the jar files in the JAR Files folder
  5. Now it's time to export your project as jar file.
    • Note: while create the jar files you can mention the class that contains the main method if you
      don't mention it then it's compulsory to mention the class name in the command life but if you do
      mention it then you can skip writing the name of the java file in the command line.

Steps to Run Pig Assignment

  • Assignment 1
  1. Create a folder named Output in the folder where you'll be having the script.
  2. Run the script using, pig -x local script_name.pig
  3. If the script run successfully then a folder will be generate in the Output
  • Assignment 2
  1. Need to rename the text files, make it Map Reduce compatiple and keep them the text files in a folder named txt and keep txt in the folder where your pig scripts are.
  2. Create a folder Output within the folder where you'll be having the scripts
  3. First run the script.pig pig -x local script.pig
  4. You can see inside Output there will be new 3 folders.
  5. To run search.pig, use pig -x local search.pig


  1. Weather Data Mining
  2. Store Data Mining