
Lightning Datatable with Dynamic Columns - Manage datatable columns using custom metadata.

Primary LanguageApex

Salesforce DX Project: How to use

  1. Open command prompt.
  2. Clone the repo using below command.
    • git clone https://github.com/rahulgawale/dynamic-columns-datatable.git
  3. Open the project directory using the command below.
    • cd dynamic-columns-datatable
  4. Open VS Code with command code ..
  5. Authorize your org and deploy the components into your target org.
  6. Deploy below mentioned components to your org.
    • classes
    • lwc
    • objects
    • customMetadata
  7. This will deploy all the code to your org including the sample custom metadata records.

Read more: LWC DataTable With Dynamic Columns Controlled By Custom Metadata