This repository contains the lab work and projects for the subject of Application Containerization. The main focus of this course is to explore the concepts of containerization, primarily using Docker, and how it revolutionizes the deployment and management of applications.
Application containerization has become a fundamental technology in modern software development and deployment practices. This repository documents my journey through the Application Containerization subject and showcases various lab assignments, exercises, and projects that demonstrate my understanding and practical skills in this domain.
The lab work in this repository includes:
Docker Basics: Introduction to Docker, creating and managing containers, building Docker images, and working with Docker registries.
Docker Compose: Understanding Docker Compose to manage multi-container applications, defining services, and orchestrating containers.
Containerizing Applications: Containerizing different types of applications, including web applications, databases, and microservices.
Container Networking: Exploring networking concepts in Docker, connecting containers, and exposing services.
Container Orchestration (Optional): Introduction to container orchestration tools like Kubernetes (if covered in the course).
Each lab exercise is accompanied by clear instructions, explanations, and sample code to help understand the containerization concepts effectively.
The primary technology used in this repository is Docker. Docker provides a platform to containerize applications, package dependencies, and run them in isolated environments. Docker Compose is also utilized to simplify the management of multi-container applications.
If the course includes container orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes), relevant technologies and configurations will also be documented.
You can clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
After cloning the repository, you can explore the different lab directories to access the specific lab work and associated code.
Each lab directory may contain its own README file providing additional information and instructions on running the code and performing the exercises.
Feel free to review, experiment, and learn from the lab exercises to deepen your understanding of application containerization.
As this repository mainly serves as a personal collection of lab work, contributions are not expected. However, if you find any errors or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to raise an issue.