
QuickHire is like an online marketplace where people can offer their skills and services for others to hire or buy. Building an app or a website or even helping a person in developing something for your needs, QuickHire is the ideal platform for everyone.

Note: Please give 50 seconds to 2 minutes to UI for loading data. As backend is hosted on Render as free tier, and it will take sometime to start.


Table of Contents


  1. Product Wishlist Page
  2. Search Result Page
    • Services List
    • Sort options
  3. Individual Service Page
    • Service Details
    • Add to Wishlist
    • Send Message
  4. Feedback and Rating System
    • Both ways
  5. User Management
    • Login Page
    • Sign up page
    • User Profile Page
      • Reviews as well
  6. Payment Gateway for Service
    • Payment Processing on the individual service screen
  7. Become A Seller Setup
    • Multiple pages, similar to Fiverr
  8. Service Creation Page for Seller
  9. Wishlist for the User, My Services for the Seller
    • View
    • Edit
    • Disable
  10. Subcategory Service Page
    • When clicked on a broader category
  11. Orders Page

SEO, robots.txt and sitemap.xml

  • QuickHire's SEO improve for search engine visibility.
  • Included a robots.txt file to control search engine bot access to the site.
  • Added a sitemap.xml file to aid search engine crawling and indexing.

Project Structure


In our frontend implementation, we have adopted a feature-based organization structure:

  • Features Folder: Contains subfolders for each feature of the application.
    • Within each feature folder:
      • Components: Individual components related to that feature.
      • CSS Files: Each component has its own CSS file, allowing for easier management of styles.


In this project, we have structured our backend using the following folders:

  • Controller: Contains the controller files responsible for handling incoming requests and returning appropriate responses.
  • Middleware: Houses middleware functions used for request preprocessing, authentication, etc.
  • Models: Contains the data models used in the application.
  • Routes: Defines the API routes and connects them to the appropriate controller functions.

Getting Started - Frontend


To have a local copy of this lab up and running on your local machine, you will first need to install the following libraries and tools:

node: v14.21.3
npm: v6.14.18
react: ^17.0.1

To have a local copy of this assingnment up and running on your local machine, you will first need to install the following software:

Download Install node from node website

Website: https://nodejs.org/en/download


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

Clone repository

git clone https://git.cs.dal.ca/gupta2/csci_5709_grp-04.git

Change directory to app

cd csci_5709_grp-04
cd Frontend
cd quickhire

Install packages

npm i

Create .env file add following credentials


Run Project

npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


To deploy on ubuntu server, follow this steps: Clone repository

git clone https://git.cs.dal.ca/gupta2/csci_5709_grp-04.git

Change directory to app

cd csci_5709_grp-04
cd Frontend
cd quickhire

Install packages

npm i

Create .env file add following credentia;s


Build Project

npm run build

This will regenerate build folder which will contains index.html.

Point nginx server to this location.

Your server will be up and running.

Built With

Getting Started - Backend


To have a local copy of this lab up and running on your local machine, you will first need to install the following libraries and tools:

node: v14.21.3
npm: v6.14.18

To have a local copy of this assingnment up and running on your local machine, you will first need to install the following software:

Download Install node from node website

Website: https://nodejs.org/en/download


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

Clone repository

git clone https://git.cs.dal.ca/gupta2/csci_5709_grp-04.git

Change directory to app

cd csci_5709_grp-04
cd Backend

Create .env file add following credentia;s

PASS=evuu omfs gucw mhal

Install packages

npm i

Run Project

npm run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:4000/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


To deploy on ubuntu server, follow this steps: Clone repository

git clone https://git.cs.dal.ca/gupta2/csci_5709_grp-04.git

Change directory to app

cd csci_5709_grp-04
cd Backend

Install packages

npm i

Create .env file add following credentia;s

PASS=evuu omfs gucw mhal

Build Project

npm run build

This will regenerate build folder which will contains index.html.

Point nginx server to this location.

Your server will be up and running.

Built With
