Next-gen, Pusher-compatible, open-source WebSockets server. Simple, fast, and resilient. 📣
This is a fork of soketi where I merge pull requests I find fit from the original repo as well as my own. The name is changed just to keep it separated from the original one when building docker images of my own. This in no way replacing the original repo or taking away the credits of the original creators. If you are looking for a frontend to manage soketi, look here.
To run from the source code (tested on Node.js 22) -
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Drop to project root
cd soketi
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Build the server
npm run build
# Run the server
node bin/server.js start
To run with docker -
# Download the `docker-compose.fork.yml` file
wget -O docker-compose-soketi.yml
# Download the `.env.example` file or copy paste/update the content
wget -O .env
# Run the server
docker compose -f ./docker-compose-soketi.yml up -d # -d to run in background
# Stop the server
docker compose -f ./docker-compose-soketi.yml down
Soketi is meant to be open source, forever and ever. It solves issues that many developers face - the one of wanting to be limitless while testing locally or performing benchmarks. More than that, itt is also suited for production usage, either it is public for your frontend applications or internal to your team.
The frequency of releases and maintenance is based on the available time, which is tight as hell. Recently, there were issues with the maintenance and this caused infrequent updates, as well as infrequent support.
To cover some of the expenses of handling new features or having to maintain the project, we would be more than happy if you can donate towards the goal. This will ensure that Soketi will be taken care of at its full extent.
💰 Sponsor the development via Github Sponsors
The server is built on top of uWebSockets.js - a C application ported to Node.js. uWebSockets.js is demonstrated to perform at levels 8.5x that of Fastify and at least 10x that of Socket.IO. (source)
For a $49 plan on Pusher, you get a limited amount of connections (500) and messages (30M).
With Soketi, for the price of an instance on Vultr or DigitalOcean ($5-$10), you get virtually unlimited connections, messages, and some more!
Soketi is capable to hold thousands of active connections with high traffic on less than 1 GB and 1 CPU in the cloud. You can also get free $100 on Vultr to try out soketi →
Whether you run your infrastructure in containers or monoliths, soketi is portable. There are multiple ways to install and configure soketi, from single instances for development, to tens of active instances at scale with hundreds or thousands of active users.
soketi implements the Pusher Protocol v7. Your existing projects that connect to Pusher requires minimal code change to make it work with Soketi - you just add the host and port and swap the credentials.
Just like Pusher, you can access the API and WebSockets through the apps you define. Store the data with the built-in support for static arrays, DynamoDB and SQL-based servers like Postgres.
In addition to being a good companion during local development, soketi comes with the resiliency and speed required for demanding production applications. At scale with Redis, you get the breeze of scaling as you grow.
You just have to scrape the Prometheus metrics. Soketi offers a lot of metrics to monitor the deployment and
- Soketi UI - manage Soketi apps via UI
- Soketi App Manager for Filament - manage Soketi apps via Filament
- Basement Chat - add chat to your Laravel application
- Simple Chat - showcased chat app built with Soketi and DynamoDB
The entire documentation is available on Gitbook 🌍
We really appreciate how this project turned to be such a great success. It will always remain open-source, free, and maintained. This is the real-time as it should be.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Have any ideas that can make into the project? Perhaps you have questions? Jump into the discussions board or join the Discord channel
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
- Alex Renoki
- Pusher Protocol
- All Contributors
- Thank you to Bunny! 🌸