

  1. Loading Schedule: Schedule defined in the following fmt: {cron, first/last run, job}. job uses Exq.Support.Job struct. Insert into redis. (Validate they use the same format). Would be nice to use their respective UIs
  2. Clock: Publishes ticks
  3. Scheduler Server: Recieves ticks, checks with Storage if any jobs have to run. Uses some sort of sliding window & performs a range query to check for unhandled jobs.
  4. TaskRunner: Inserts matched jobs into respective job queues
  5. Send a PR to extend exq's web component
  6. Support rufus-scheduler styled every syntax. every, first_in, first_at, first, last_in, last_at, last
  7. Extension of 7, schedule format needs to be similar to sidekiq-scheduler