
:video_game: Game Development using C++ 11 and SDL library

Primary LanguageC++


This is a small project that i am currently doing for my "Computer graphics & multimedia" University course.

"Cavestory" is about developing a fully working game using C++ but here i am pushing only those commits that are successfully working so this project is still in development.

Note: This project is built upon Dev C++

While using stoi function dev c++ will run into error, so it is recommended to go to :

std::stoi was introduced in C++11 , Add -std=c++11 to your compiler options since you are most likely using an older and deprecated version or you can try going to Orwell dev c++ which has all the latest C++11 standards.

Keys to play

  • ← go left
  • → go right
  • ↓ look down / interact
  • ↑ look up
  • Z jump
  • Esc quit


![] (http://i.imgur.com/j0Tuqqj.png)

Questions Asked on Stackoverflow

These are the questions i asked during the project's development, i am adding them here for reference.

Unable to move character to right position using SDL?

Undefined reference to 'SDL_main' while using Dev C++

Unable to move character to right position using SDL?


Contributions are welcome. if you see any issue then open an issue and if you think you can fix it then start working on it by forking this project.