This is a concise Python 3 programming tutorial for people who think that reading is boring. I try to show everything with simple code examples; there are no long and complicated explanations with fancy words.
This tutorial is aimed at people with no programming experience at all or very little programming experience. If you have programmed a lot in the past using some other language you may want to read the official tutorial instead.
You can use Python 3.5 or any newer Python with this tutorial. Don't use Python 2 because it's no longer supported.
Go HERE if you aren't here already.
Click the big green "Clone or download" button in the top right of the page, then click "Download ZIP".
Extract the ZIP and open it. Unfortunately I don't have any more specific instructions because how exactly this is done depends on which operating system you run.
and follow the instructions.
If you have git and you know how to use it, you can also clone the
repository instead of downloading a zip and extracting it. An advantage
with doing it this way is that you don't need to download the whole
tutorial again to get the latest version of it, all you need to do is to
pull with git and run