
This NiFi processor converts Binary Avro records (possibly Base64-encoded) into JSON objects. It provides an option to include JSON paths in FlowFile attributes.

Primary LanguageJava

Nifi Custom Avro to JSON Processor


This NiFi processor converts Binary Avro records (possibly Base64-encoded) into JSON objects. It provides an option to include JSON paths in FlowFile attributes.


  • avroSchema: Avro schema text for decoding.
  • isBase64EncodingUsed: Specifies if Base64 encoding is used to convert Avro binary data into Avro strings.
  • isJsonPathsRequired: Indicates whether JSON paths are written to a FlowFile attribute.


mvn clean install


Add the nifi-custom-avro-to-json-nar/target/nifi-custom-avro-to-json-nar-1.0.nar file in the lib/ directory of Nifi setup.