
A NiFi processor that logs FlowFile content/attribute using Log4j with customizable log levels and prefixes in a separate log file based on Log4j xml configuration.

Primary LanguageJava

Nifi Custom Log4j Logger Processor


A NiFi processor that logs FlowFile content/attribute using Log4j with customizable log levels and prefixes in a separate log file based on Log4j xml configuration.


  • log4jConfiguration: Paste your Log4j XML configuration here.
  • type: Specifies the logging type for incoming data. Default is 'error'.
  • prefix: Specify the prefix for log messages.
  • source: Specifies the source of data to log. ('flowfile-content', 'flowfile-attribute', 'flowfile-content + flowfile-attribute')
  • attributes: Comma-separated attributes to be added to the log statement. Use with 'flowfile-content' logging source only.


mvn clean install


Add the nifi-custom-log4j-logger-nar/target/nifi-custom-log4j-logger-nar-1.0.nar file in the lib/ directory of Nifi setup.