Eggbort is a Discord bot made in Python. Here is the link to invite him to your Discord server (requires administrator priviliges).
Eggbort's functionality comes in the form of server management QOL improvements, such as easier chat management, bot interaction customization, as well as fully-functional music player capabilities from sources such as YouTube, Soundcloud, and more*. Once you invite Eggbort to your Discord server, type
in a text channel to display a list of commands.
*Other sources include: Bandcamp, Vimeo, Twitch streams, Local files, and HTTP URLs
To be able to implement all of Eggbort's functionality, I created a multi-container application using Docker and Docker Compose, utilizing a user-defined bridge network for internal communication within the project. In addition to creating and building an image for its python codebase, Eggbort relies on a Lavalink image (created by Github user Frederikam), which allows for audio player functionality, as well as a MongoDB image, which stores data used by certain commands.