
Concourse Integration with Vault

Primary LanguageHCL

Deploy Concourse with Vault as Credential Manager

  • Deploy Vault release using the vault.yml
  • Create a mount in value for use by concourse pipelinesvault mount -path=$CONCOURSE_VAULT_MOUNT -description="Secrets for use by concourse pipelines" generic

CONCOURSE_VAULT_MOUNT default value is /concourse, and you can specify your own mount here

  • Create a policy file with the following contents > policy.hcl
path "concourse/*" {
  policy = "read"
  capabilities =  ["read", "list"]
  • Register the policy with vault vault policy-write policy-name vault-policy.hcl

If - Using Periodic Token for Authentication

  • Initialize vault vault init

  • Create a periodic token vault token-create --policy=policy-name -period="600h" -format=json

  • copy the token value from above and set it in the concourse deployment manifest

- name: web ...
  - name: atc
    release: concourse
    properties: ...
        path_prefix: ((CONCOURSE_VAULT_MOUNT))
        url: ((VAULT_ADDR))
          client_token: ((CLIENT_TOKEN))

If - Using appRole for Authentication

  • Enable approle vault auth-enable approle

  • Export the name of the role that you would like to useexport ROLE_NAME=concourse-role

  • Create a role and fetch the role-id,vault read -format=json auth/approle/role/$ROLE_NAME/role-id

  • Fetch the secret-id for the role created abovevault write -format=json -f auth/approle/role/$ROLE_NAME/secret-id

  • copy the role-id and the secret-id values from above and set it in the concourse deployment manifest

BACKEND_ROLE will be approle in this case

- name: web ...
  - name: atc
    release: concourse
    properties: ...
        path_prefix: ((CONCOURSE_VAULT_MOUNT))
        url: ((VAULT_ADDR))
          backend: ((BACKEND_ROLE))
            role_id: ((ROLE_ID))
            secret_id: ((SECRET_ID))
  • deploy concourse
  • populate all the variables in vault under concourse/<team-name>/
  • all common params used across all pipelines can be in concourse/<team-name>/ and pipeline specific params can be in concourse/<team-name>/<pipeline-name>
  • to write to vault the syntax isvault write concourse/<team-name>/<pipeline-name>/<variable-name> value=<variable-value>
  • ensure in the pipelines you use ((VAR_NAME)) instead of {{VAR_NAME}}