
webscraping in python

Primary LanguagePython

Web Scraping With Python :


Project Setup

  • Making the project as :
    mkdir webscraping
    cd webscraping
  • Web Scraping installation:
    open command prompt type 
       pip install virtualenv
    create virtualenv
       >>virtualenv web-scraping
    we need to activate virtualenv for use
    need libraries for Web Scraping :
    pip install requests
    pip install beautifulsoup4 or install bs4
  • Create WebsiteScrap.py for development
    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    url = "https://www.learnpython.org/"
    response = requests.get(url)
    htmlContent = response.content
    formatted_html_content = BeautifulSoup(htmlContent, 'html.parser')
    # print(formatted_html_content)
    # 1} Get the title of the HTML page
    title = formatted_html_content.title
    # if you want only tag content
    # 2} find All anchor tag on this website and print count
    list_anchors = formatted_html_content.find_all('a')
    # print all anchor tags
    # print count
    print("Number of anchor tags on this website : ", len(list_anchors))
    # 3} Get first element in the HTML page
    # 4} Get classes of any element in the HTML page
    # 5} find all the elements by class name
    print(formatted_html_content.find_all("a", class_="navbar-brand"))
    # 6} Get the text from the tags/soup
    # 7} Get all the anchor tags from the page with iteration
    list_anchors = formatted_html_content.find_all('a')
    all_links = set()
    for link in list_anchors:
       print(link)  # get all anchor tag with links
       print(link.get('href'))  # get all links
       all_links.add(link.get('href'))  # want to remove duplicate links
    # 8} find duplicate links
    print('Number of duplicate links in this website are : ',all_web_links_count-after_remove_duplicate_links_count)
  • In order to run app:
      python WebsiteScrap.py
  • create clone in you system just execute this file
    1} create virtualenv and just type below command
    2} pip install -r .\requirements.txt